PC Gamer (Italian) 45
PC Gamer IT CD 45 1-2.iso
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94 lines
"quakemart"-single player\co-op
1. Introduction
2. System Recommendations
3. Explanation of 3D Acceleration
4. For the less Equipped
5. Installing
6. Technical info
7. About the Author
1. Introduction:
Hi! Get ready for the Creme de la creme of DM's what everyone has been waiting for. A therapuetic level for the frustrated
shopper. Lines getting too long? Hearing voices? Old lady that got in line before you needs to change her depends? Arms tired
cause you didn't want the babes seeing you use a shopping cart? Well all that can be put in the past. The DM kicks ass online or
even better with ICER the ICE bot launcher. Quakemart the single play version is sluggish on slow systems and isn't as perfected
with all the health and goodies. It does however let you pile up the bodies at the front door. The best way to play the single player
is to start a Coop game and then type "map quakemart" in the console. Before doing so type "cheats 1" in the console so you
can start with all the goodies. If you don't you'll get your ass kicked at the entrance for sure.
2. Min System Recommendations:
Quake 2 on CD
200 Mhz MMX Computer
32 megs ram
3D Accelerator 3dfx,ATI Rage, Riva TNT
3. Explanation of 3D accelerators:
A message to those lacking a real 3D accelerator. If your card cannot run the open GL mode of Quake 2 then
you have been dooped. Countless computer companies are creating IBM clones with inexspensive 3D
cards that process all their graphics with software scaling techniques. They are not true accelerators.
Some companies offer true 3D acceleration, but at a price. Hardware Scaling and various techniques like gourad
shading and multi-texturing are only available through a true 3D accelerator.
4. For the less equipped:
Now, if you dont have a kickass card like the Voodoo2 or the Riva TNT.
I recommend starting at the lowest graphic setting and no playing with any MODS! No special weapons like WOD
unless your properly equipped. Work you settings up gradually to a comfortable frame rate.
5. Installing:
You must have a zip program like pkunzip or winzip to unzip the file. Assuming you do, extract the files: "q2martdm.bsp",
this one, "BeforeExtraction.txt" and "quakemart.bsp" to your maps folder under, C:\quake2\baseq2\maps. Extract the
"q2martdm.qit" to the Routes folder in the ICE folder if you Have ice. If you installed Q2 toa different drive letter simply
change C:\ to D:\ E:\ etc, or use the folder find feature of your chosen zip program to locate the Maps folder under the
correct drive.
6. Tech Info:
This level was compile with qoole and took the following compile times:
QBSP: 1 minute
QVIS: 100 minutes
QRAD: 60 minutes
created by Omega67 at banet.net
7. About the Author:
I not only make levels for Quake 2, I compose the most killer Video game/Motion picture soundtracks on the block. I am for
hire to the first lucky development team that signs me a deal. I recently joined the Web and founded my studio, Omega Soundtrack
Productions. I have recently mastered and copywritten the CD titled DAMN "The P.R.A.W.M."- The Post Rapture Apocalyptic War
Movement. It has over 60 minutes of the most intense Sci/Fi/Gothic/Horror music ever created, totally evil totally satisfying, and
completely euphoric all on its own. A must have for lovers of Sci/Fi horror films. You may email Omega with your interest and I will
send you a couple of mp3 demo files via email before you decide to purchase the full CD for $9.95 + $4 shipping. All rights reserved
soley to Omega. I have forseen DAMN "The P.R.A.W.M." becoming a motion picture named after its title. I have been working with
a screenplay writer for the past couple of months who also concurs on this opinion. We have already discussed the layout of the
film. Due to the potential of the music on the CD and its versatility, I am offering it for sale with full copyrights for $ 5,000 plus a 4%
royalty from all box office ticket sales, Home Video/DVD sales, and merchandising in event it becomes all or part of a motion picture
soundtrack. It is also for sale to any music/video game publisher for $10,000 and %20 of sales of the music CD and or %10 of the
video game sales.
Payment methods for the reserved rights music CD: Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Discover, Certified check or money order.
Personal checks are also accepted. Please allow 2 weeks for delivery.
Send Payment by mail to:
Anthony DiBella
615 Hazelwood terrace
Rochester, NY 14609
Email credit card payments to:
Omega67 at banet.net
An authorization notification will be emailed to you within one business day.
Get the soundtrack before the film! All your friends will surely envy you.
I thank you for your interest and happy fraggin.